Thursday, August 4, 2011

Heart on the Highway

This morning I was reading in Psalm 84. I especially like verse 7, but this morning God brought my attention to verse 5. The passage is talking about the journey or pilgrimage the Israelites would take for different feasts or celebrations. Maybe because we leave tomorrow for vacation and will travel the long highways from Texas to Arizona, I thought of how when I was in college in Dallas and it would be finals week. My heart during this tough week was always on the journey home to Arizona. I remember picturing the highways in my mind and what music I would listen to along the way. Just enjoying the quiet, the music, the total escape from my current burden of studying and cramming.
I don't long for the drive so much anymore especially with kids in tow, but I thought that I am still on a journey to Zion, heaven for us. Is my heart on the highway to heaven? Do I have an eternal perspective in all that I do? Most often in the mundane chores of life I have to honestly say that I don't. I don't often see the loading/unloading of various washers as having some impact for eternity. But my attitude in these chores is being watched by my children. My heart and thus my mouth could definitely be reflecting more eternal focused worship. I could recite Scripture so that it's ready to pull out at a moment's notice. I could use this time to pray for those whom God brings to my mind.
So even though I am stuck within the wall of my home, I am really on a journey. Is my heart with me on this highway? Because God is very clear that "Blessed are those whose strength is in Him." (And we stay at home moms know what strength is required just to make it through the day.)

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